
I had a dumb idea. To be honest I’ve had more than one of them over the years.

The backstory looks a little like this – I’ve been working in commercial kitchens for over thirty years now (yep, I know this dates me). I’ve worked everywhere from the local pub (a couple of them actually, one of them right now), to city steakhouses, hotel restaurants, bistros, seafood restaurants, and even a few years in factory kitchen production. The dream for a while was a food truck – it even had a name ‘Slow Burn’. Then the dream started to re-form. Couldn’t find a barbecue sauce I liked. Everything was too sweet, too thick, just ‘meh’. A few recipes were tested, until it reached the point where wife declared ‘no more bought barbecue sauce’. Then some more sauces were made. Then the fire of an idea started to burn- I like my sauces smokey, I like my sauces punchy and balanced and delicious. A good hit of chilli – but only to the point where the other flavours can still shine through. Slowly, slowly the ideas started to catch fire. Slow Burn food truck morphed into Slow Burn Sauce Co.

Have spent a good year getting friends and family and colleagues to taste and test and give feedback. Many trips to the hardware store and nurseries to try and be my mini chilli farm and grow the range I needed to make delicious ‘saucery’.

Slow Burn Sauce Company is based in the home kitchen of our place in the Southern Beaches of Tasmania (aka ‘the Little Shack that Could’) for now. Hopefully the next year will bring a custom kitchen/workspace to amp things up.

Now we’re up to a range of six sauces. Each one has a story to tell. We want to give you the chance to try. Coming soon to a market in Southern Tasmania will be Slow Burn Sauce Co. Would love to try to go retail or start selling online – we’re just not quite ready for that just yet.