All around you is your circle of friends. Within a not at all huge circle of friends and colleagues – we kind of identified that we had some who were missing out.

One allergic to garlic (oh the horror)

One allergic to onion (oh so tough when you go out for a meal, for them)

And two with full on FODMAP issues that eliminate a lot of the flavoursome goodness.

My answer is Low Rider ‘is a real goer’ – you do need to sing this to feel the vibe.

Low FODMAP friendly, no onions, no garlic.

Just a punchy clean chilli sauce.

Comes in with a quick punch and just moves on.

Because Low Rider drives a little slower (yeah, still singing) he really goes with everything, on an egg and bacon roll for breakfast (and doesn’t repeat like a Sriracha does), give that BBQ or stir fry more punch.